If you need a loan that exceeds the limits of the current conforming limit, a Jumbo loan option might be right for you. This type of loan will offer you the opportunity for purchasing more real estate but usually requires more stringent credit guidlines with a larger down payment. 

A non-conforming jumbo mortgage can help you purchase a lot of real estate. This mortgage is needed for loan amounts that exceed the conforming loan limites set each year by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. One key difference with Jumbo loans is that they are inelidgble for purchase by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac and must be sold in the secondary market, which means they require more stringent credit guidlines and larger down payments than conforming loans. 

If you can afford high-value real estate but don't have enough saved up to bring a loan down to the conforming limit, a jumbo mortgage can help you make that move.